Infos zum Kunstwerk
- Jahr: 2017
- Ort: New Delhi
- Land: India (28.6138954,77.2090057) centr.
- Kategorie: Luft/ Wind/ Atmosphäre/ Himmel, Technik/ Infrastruktur/ Verkehr, und Umweltverschmutzung und -zerstörung/ Gifte
- Tags:
- Künstler: Galhotra, Vibha
geburtsland: India
Galhotras Arbeit BREATH BY BREATH war Teil ihrer Ausstellung [In]Sanity in the Age of Reason in New Delhi 2017. Die Installation untersucht Methoden zur Messung von Luftverschmutzung und entwirft Wege, um die Menge an verschmutzter Luft, die eine Person einatmet, zu erfassen. >>
“While the experience of “a breath of fresh air” reinvigorates the memory of what only seems to be an extinct forgotten thing, the subsequent juxtaposition of this former experience with visuals and data about our present air scenario aims to creates an urgency in the mind of the viewer. On another note, it calls to question the increasing consumerism which not only led us to such a state of the environment, but which further capitalizes on our lack by creating products like air purifiers and cans of a breath of fresh air, stratifying the socio-economic structure even further.” (Vibha Galhotra) >>
“[In]Sanity In The Age Of Reason is a series of observation, experiences and experimentation formed through the objects constructed on the bases of beliefs from the past, realities of today and imagination of future. The absence of the ecology and the presence of technology, absence of environment on the earth and the presence of one way ticket to the mars. Including film, photographs, objects, chance drawing, performance, sound and objects, the works are based on familiar and unanticipated elements.” (Vibha Galhotra) >>