Ecotopian Library

Infos zum Kunstwerk
  • Jahr: 2020
  • Ort: Boulder, Colorado
  • Land: United States (40.0149856,-105.2705456) centr.
  • Kategorie: Ökosysteme /Flora/ Fauna, Partizipation/ Soziales/ Politik, und Wissenschaften
  • Tags:

Mithilfe der ECOTOPIAN LIBRARY sollen Menschen inspiriert werden, zu gesellschaftlichem Wandel beizutragen. Die Bibliothek wird im Boulder’s Art Museum an der Colorado University beherbergt und enthält eine wachsende Sammlung an Literatur zu Geologie, Kunst, Ökosophie und Commons. >>

“This library stems from a belief that art and Ecotopian thought can cultivate systemic social change. This toolkit combine disciplines of forestry, botany, art, literature, political and social sciences. It focuses on systems and “Commons” studies, proposals for eco-utopias, poetry, agroforestry plans, almanacs for assisted plant migration with changing climates, and an Ecosophical Manifesto intended to integrate an ecological ethics into practice. With these resources, your job is to bring imagination into realms of possibility.” (Ecotopian Library) >>

The Atlas for Art on Ecology and Climate, Energy and Resources