Infos zum Kunstwerk
- Jahr: 2006
- Ort: Hulahula-Okpilak Delta, Alaska
- Land: United States (70.0445459,-143.9716649) exempl.
- Kategorie: Eis/ Arktis/ Antarktis, Ökosysteme /Flora/ Fauna, Ressourcen/ Energie/ Atom/ Fossil, und Wasser/ Gewässer
- Tags:
- Künstler: Banerjee, Subhankar
geburtsjahr: 1967
geburtsland: India
Banerjees ARCTIC SERIES besteht aus Fotografien, die in Alaska, Yukon und der russischen Republik Sacha entstanden. Die Bilder wurden drei verschiedenen Farbgruppen zugeordnet. Zum Beispiel sind im braunen Set Fotos des Hulahula-Okpilak-Deltas in Alaska zu sehen sind. Dort brüten in jedem Frühjahr Millionen von Zugvögeln an Flussdeltas, die über großen Öl- und Gasvorkommen liegen.
“Up in the north, I have been working with three motifs. The first is colour—not as a medium but as a motif. It is a political choice. In the popular conception around the world, the Arctic is primarily thought to be a space of ‘snow and ice’ and ‘ice and snow’. In the words of pro–oil–development USA politicians, the Arctic has been variously described as ‘flat white nothingness’, ‘frozen wasteland of snow and ice’ and ‘barren wasteland’. In the popular TV program 60 Minutes, it was described as ‘hostile wasteland’. I began to ask: Can I make a photograph with only brown; white and brown; only grey; white, grey and brown; white, blue and brown; only green; green and blue? … Colour, I thought, would be a wonderful visual language to help us unlearn some of these intolerances.” (Subhankar Banerjee)