Solar Hourglass

Infos Artwork
  • Year: 2014
  • Place: Refshaleøen, Denmark
  • Land: Denmark (55.693229450000004,12.616906524765172) centr.
  • Category: Resources/ Energy/ Renewable, Sciences, and Sun/ Light
  • Tags:

The SOLAR HOURGLASS is a draft of a central solar receiver, which consists of an arrangement of small, flat mirrors that concentrate their reflection of solar energy on a tank that contains a heating medium. Hundreds of households can be electrified even at night or in bad weather. In 2014, Cortés won the LAGI Design Contest with this project.

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The Solar Hourglass
LAGI 2014 1st Place Winner
Artist: Santiago Muros Cortés
Artist Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Energy Technologies: concentrated solar power (thermal beam-down tower with heliostats)
Annual Capacity: 7,500 MWh

The Atlas for Art on Ecology and Climate, Energy and Resources