Manioc I Grind You, Sister

Infos Artwork
  • Year: 2015
  • Place: Rio Tapajós, Amazonia
  • Land: Brazil (-4.8434401,-56.7056492) centr.
  • Category: Ecosystems/ Flora/ Fauna and Participation/ Social issues/ Politics
  • Tags:

Marcel and Hupe’s two-channel video work MANIOC I GRIND YOU, SISTER combines images of women activists and herbalists from the highly exploited Amazon region with film material from colonial times and today, highlighting the manufacturing of manioc flour. >> >> >> >>

“Mixing the sound material contained in the Koch-Grünberg wax rolls with contemporary images demonstrating the survival of indigenous technology in the production of manioc flour in caboclo communities in the Amazon region, the video experiments with the possibilities of productive shocks between past and present, and challenge viewers to listen to the Phonographic Archive of Berlin-Dahlem Museum in a decolonial way.” (Barbara Marcel) >>

The Atlas for Art on Ecology and Climate, Energy and Resources