CALL // City as Living Laboratory

Infos Artwork
  • Year: 2019
  • Place: Tibbetts Brook, The Bronx, New York City
  • Land: United States (40.9074376,-73.8856047) centr.
  • Category: Ecosystems/ Flora/ Fauna, Technology/ Infrastructure/ Traffic, and Water/ Body of water
  • Tags:

Founded by artist Mary Miss, CALL // CITY AS LIVING LABORATORY is a cooperative laboratory for the exploration of art as a way to engage people in complex topics concerning sustainability. For “Rescuing Tibbetts Brook”, artists and scientists developed an idea of how the originally meandering Tibbetts Brook could be daylighted and what it could look like if the river were integrated into the daily lives of residents as a regained ecosystem. >> >> >>

The Atlas for Art on Ecology and Climate, Energy and Resources