
Infos Artwork
  • Year: 2015
  • Place: Great Lakes
  • Land: United States (45.02276445,-86.12607845619144) exempl.
  • Category: Ecosystems/ Flora/ Fauna, Participation/ Social issues/ Politics, and Water/ Body of water
  • Tags:

Soliman’s HOMES project – the acronym standing for the names of the Great Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior – explores the Great Lakes region, its ecology and history. Since the beginning of the project in 2015, Soliman has collaborated with a variety of initiatives and natives of the region. The art project has already resulted, for instance, in the poetry installation “Attention Visitor Attention”, which connects public art and the environment. In the style of usual signposts, 25 signs with Soliman’s poems are now installed along the pathways around the lakes. >> >> >> >> >>

“Moheb’s HOMES project imagines the extent to which the Great Lakes region is “one place” where many different people sit around a common water table—living with, and not just on, the lakes, and nurturing a sense of belonging and identity oriented around a sublime natural sphere.” (Moheb Soliman) >>

The Atlas for Art on Ecology and Climate, Energy and Resources