The Great Silence

Infos Artwork
  • Year: 2016
  • Place: Rio Abajo Wald
  • Land: Puerto Rico (18.33982215,-66.7053387668232) centr.
  • Category: Ecosystems/ Flora/ Fauna, Pollution/ Destruction/ Toxins, and Sciences
  • Tags:
  • Artist: Allora, Jennifer
    Birthdate: 1974
    Land of Birth: United States
  • Artist: Calzadilla, Guillermo
    Birthdate: 1971
    Land of Birth: Cuba
  • Artist: Chiang, Ted

The video installation THE GREAT SILENCE juxtaposes the human desire to contact extra-terrestrial species with the lesser attention paid to critically endangered species on earth that are able to communicate with humans, such as the Puerto Rican parrot. The silence of the universe observed by the Arecibo radio telescope is taken as a prophecy for the potential future silence of the rainforest. >> >>



Allora & Calzadilla,
3-channel HD video installation
Sixteen minutes and thirty-two seconds

Copyright Allora & Calzadilla
Courtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

The Atlas for Art on Ecology and Climate, Energy and Resources